Start Your Career
in Data Analytics

1000+ Graduates
4.82 Average Course Rating
10+ Guided Projects
Active Discord Community

Our Courses

Our courses are designed to take you from no experience to your first entry level tech job

__Data Analytics__ Certificate Course

Taught by
Charlotte Chaze

Designed for complete beginners to land your first data analyst job. Our course comes with video lectures, practice problems, guided projects, portfolio building, certificates for each new skill you learn, and an active online community of students and graduates for help and networking.

How to __Land the Job__

Taught by
Charlotte Chaze

No more relying on cold applying, let's get recruiters to reach out to you. This course will make the job application process quicker and easier.

Or Learn for Free

Learn On Your Own With Our Free Course Guide

For self-starters who just need to be pointed in the right direction. Learn on your own for free.