Charlotte Chaze

CEO & Founder, Break Into Tech

FREE Resume Workshop & Resume Template

Transform your resume with step by step instructions, including how to use AI to phrase your experience to change careers.

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Free Data Analytics Course Guide

For self-starters who just need to be pointed towards the right resources.

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Data Analytics Certificate Course

Beginner-friendly Data Analytics Course with step-by-step guidance, video lectures, practice problems, and guided portfolio projects.

Certificate Course

How to Land the Job Course

Upgrade your job strategy -- no more endless cold applications.

Land the Job

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“Went from $38k to $72k!! Thank you so much Charlotte for this course!!”

– Julie Cody, @julesxtechgirl on TikTok

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Help a Family 🍉

Help a real family in Gaza purchase permits to cross the border into Egypt. Any amount helps! 

Their Story & Donation Link